martes, 12 de mayo de 2009

my fovourite web site is wiki.

My favourite web site is Wikipedia because I think that is a place where we can find a lot thing that interested our and also is free and accessible for all.

I discovered this web site for need that I had that do task, and since this moment I begun to work in Wikipedia. I now couldn’t use this web site because is very informal and for that I don’t work in this web site.

I believe that I use this web site most of the time for help me to find a base in for me jobs or also for that I am not doing nothing in internet and I entered and I begin to connect ideas. I believe that as we are in a world that change in all moment I think that is very important a place where the ideas of a lot people in different topics can be put at you disposition at any moment and also you would can help to rise the contents in the different topic.
The link that wikipedia is

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