jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

To Giselle´s Blog

Today I´m going to do a critique about the Giselle’s Blog for this I considerer four post that she has made the first is about her opinion in the topic “Do school kill creativity.” I to equal that she, I believe that Mister Robinson is right because the education system actual is paralyzed the creativity of the future generation trough a model that only give priorities to the subject that everybody think that help us in the future, and for that they try of dominate the children’s mains. For that I agree with Giselle in this topic.
Now I am going to refer about the visual aspect and layout of Giselle´s Blog. I considerer that the visual aspect are very well because at first the colors are appropriate for a read speed , the photos are very originals, the images are very good distribute in the BlogSpot, about the layout I believe that also is good because is simple. The kind of letter is appropriate for the post that she will make. But I believe that don´t have things as videos or picture, therefore I think it lacks things.

2 comentarios:

  1. if you can see I wasn´t so badly.
    I hope the same of you.

    I see in class.

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    see you
