jueves, 2 de julio de 2009

the last post

Hello everybody.

This is my last post in this blog, and I’m going to speak about my experience in the blog. My experience in this blog was very good because I feel that I learnt too, also I believe that I getting better enough respect the last years ago, also I can say that the topic in that I worked were very interesting but the exception was when I had to listen the conversation of Mister ken, but I think that experience in general was original because I think that leant a lot.

In relation about if I enjoy working in the blog, I can say that yes, because when I said before I leant too, I believe that the different topic that we worked in the blog were very interesting. In stronger I think that I liked more than other topic when I posted about my friends because I had to remember everything that I believe that I had forgotten, in other opportunity I had to write about that I will do if I could change the Chile´s politico situation, and I say that I would pay attention in the environmental area in moment first. I believe that with the job in the blog I enjoy too.

I think that with the job in the blog I can improve my English but I believe that only one part of my English. My write English improve because all the job that I had to make was design in one part, whit this I think that the course in general have debilities that doesn’t allow develop the enough skill for that the common student may improve in him English.

In conclusion I think that the course in general wasn’t badly, but I consider that should be preparing as course independent and alternative.

jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

my ideal job

Today I’m going to speak about which would be my ideal job. I feel that my ideal job is someday to work like history’s teacher. When I entered to University in my option first I put history’s licentiate and in my option second I put public administration. The reason because I wanted to study history’s teacher is because I had a teacher that was too dedicated with her job and she always wanted to do a job well.

I believe that the qualities and skills that I would need to do this job are the first and the more important is the vocation, I think that this quality is fundamental for one person that work in education, other quality is the dedication, this involve to compromise and responsibilities with her work and with the student. Finally I believe that is very important to have a enough formation for can give a quality education.

I think that I will be good at this job because I believe that I have the quality for I can teach to other , and also I never have leave my passion for the history. I believe that is very complicated find this work in this moment because now exist too people that job like teachers, then the first reason is the labour market. The second reason is associated with the first and is that the society gift little relevance to humanist’s careers.

Other information about ideal job is that the education is fundamental for any people. For that I think that we have to build since beginning.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

To Giselle´s Blog

Today I´m going to do a critique about the Giselle’s Blog for this I considerer four post that she has made the first is about her opinion in the topic “Do school kill creativity.” I to equal that she, I believe that Mister Robinson is right because the education system actual is paralyzed the creativity of the future generation trough a model that only give priorities to the subject that everybody think that help us in the future, and for that they try of dominate the children’s mains. For that I agree with Giselle in this topic.
Now I am going to refer about the visual aspect and layout of Giselle´s Blog. I considerer that the visual aspect are very well because at first the colors are appropriate for a read speed , the photos are very originals, the images are very good distribute in the BlogSpot, about the layout I believe that also is good because is simple. The kind of letter is appropriate for the post that she will make. But I believe that don´t have things as videos or picture, therefore I think it lacks things.

jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

my perceptions about of the education

I believe that this topic should be considered for the society because in another manner we will be paralyzed the creativity of the future generation. I think that is bad the fact that exist a hierarchy in the subject that can teach to the children, the example that mentions Sir Ken Robinson in him talk review about of Gillian Lynne and the way she achievement to study dance, should be take like one response to all the people that think that if you prepare in a area that do not give you profitability you will never be recognized. we can see this in the manner that children are raising in the school and also ourselves when we were in the school. Now that we are adult is very difficult that we could think the world in a different way because we, in this moment, have a mental structure, this characteristic does not permit us to see the world throughout other perspectives.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

I believe that I would change things as the manner in that relation us with the environmental and also as the company relations her with it. I think that is fundamental that the persons is this country being to consider it because the environmental in that we alive should be preserve for ourselves and the generations future, also I believe that if we follow contaminating only will finish destroying.
I believe that is topic should be attend for the politics group, and for that I believe that if I will have the opportunity of change one thing in Chilean politics would be this. I believe that first I will have a law that would establish more protection to environmental, for example I would give laws with a most obligation of look after it.
I believe that the consequences wouldn’t be very accepted for the people because they are accustomed to watch that the progress is associate to destruction of environmental and also I believe that we will need an education that sets the ground in this topic as a support major.

sábado, 30 de mayo de 2009

My best Friends

My best friends are Fabian, Adiel, Danilo and my girlfriend. I have know them since so so five years ago, when we was in the school.

We have a lot things in common, for example the music that we listen, the pleaces that like us, and go to the partys, but now we are separate, all we have to do different things, follow differents carrers and somebody is in other region how danilo, that he went to alive in coquimbo.

We like meeting for goout to the partys, for birthdays of anyone or simply for share a moment.

When we meeting, we see movies or we have a lot conversations about different things, for example who is happening us in this moment, thing that to make feel us happy or sad.I fallen out one twice, when I was sick ago four years. They were with me in those moment, that I felt me very bad. One experience that I remeber we have to do a presentations about hamlet, in short scenes, and I has that to do a paper that father of hamlet, and all my frends have that to do a different paper that give us a lot of laugth. For examples fabian was Laertes and Adiel was Horacio .I remember that this moment we happen it very well.

martes, 12 de mayo de 2009

my fovourite web site is wiki.

My favourite web site is Wikipedia because I think that is a place where we can find a lot thing that interested our and also is free and accessible for all.

I discovered this web site for need that I had that do task, and since this moment I begun to work in Wikipedia. I now couldn’t use this web site because is very informal and for that I don’t work in this web site.

I believe that I use this web site most of the time for help me to find a base in for me jobs or also for that I am not doing nothing in internet and I entered and I begin to connect ideas. I believe that as we are in a world that change in all moment I think that is very important a place where the ideas of a lot people in different topics can be put at you disposition at any moment and also you would can help to rise the contents in the different topic.
The link that wikipedia is http://www.wikipedia.org/.